A one-day retreat is scheduled on Saturday, April 15, in the Parish Activity Center starting at 8:00AM and concluding at 6:30PM after the Saturday Vigil Mass. Currently enrolled candidates are required to attend; recently confirmed high school students are also invited. There is no cost for this retreat. However, a donation is kindly appreciated for the presenter, STRONG, a Catholic college-aged retreat team that puts on high school and middle school retreats around the Diocese of Austin. A light breakfast and lunch will be provided. Please RSVP by April 9, to Chris Mendez at 512-968-5751 or [email protected].
This will be the last class of the semester for these students; their confirmation is scheduled for August 13, 2023 with Bishop Joe Vasquez officiating. ______________________________________ Un retiro de un día está programado el sábado 15 de abril en el PAC a partir de las 8:00 a.m. hasta las 6:30 p.m. después de la misa. Los candidatos actualmente inscritos deben asistir. No hay costo para este retiro. Sin embargo, una donación es amablemente apreciada para el presentador, STRONG, un equipo católico de retiros en edad universitaria que organiza retiros de escuela secundaria y preparatoria en toda la Diócesis de Austin. Se proporcionará desayuno ligero y almuerzo. Se ruega contestación, por favor, antes del 9 de abril, a Chris Mendez al 512-968-5751 o [email protected]. Este será el último día de clase del semestre para estos estudiantes; su confirmación está programada para el 13 de agosto de 2023 con el obispo Joe Vásquez oficiando. Comments are closed.